Marjorie McLaughlin was born in Glasgow and first learned Scottish Country Dancing in school in Scotland. After her family immigrated to the United States her father, Tom Easton, began a SCD class in Cleveland, Ohio and she danced in that class throughout her teen years. In 1973, after moving to California, she became a member of the San Francisco Branch and served in various capacities on the Branch Committee and as Chair of the Asilomar Weekend. She took her Preliminary Certificate in 1985 and earned her Teacher's Certificate at St. Andrews, Scotland in 1987.

In January of 1992 she married a fellow dancer, Richard McLaughlin, and moved to San Diego. She maintains an active interest in the Teachers' Association of Canada and chaired the local arrangements committee when TAC held its AGM in San Francisco in August 1991. From 1998 to 2003 she was editor of the TAC newsletter, TACTalk.

She has had the pleasure of teaching workshops in a number of North American Branches and enjoys the opportunity to teach, and to learn from, dancers in other areas. She lectured on SCD history as part of the celebration of the Tokyo Branch's 10th Anniversary and traveled to New Zealand to teach at that Branch's Labour Weekend Workshop. Her dance travels have taken her such places as Vienna, Austria, Nova Scotia and Greece! It may not be a full time job but it's the most incredible and rewarding hobby she can possibly imagine.
