Ron Wallace's love and understanding of Scottish dance and music make him a familiar name on workshop staffs internationally. Scottish Country, Highland, Step and Cape Breton comprise the majority of the classes Ron teaches with some Welsh and English thrown in for balance!
2006 marks Ron's 38th year as a teacher of Scottish dance. Invitations have brought his infectious enthusiastic teaching to many Scottish dance centers in the United States and Canada as well as in Australia and numerous European venues.
In 1977 Ron received his Full Certificate from Miss Milligan. He has taught classes/courses in Australia, Austria, St. Andrews Summer School, TAC Summer School, Pinewoods, Czech Republic, England, Slovak Republic, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, France and Hungary.
At home in Northern California, Ron is kept busy with weekly classes in dance and bagpiping, playing descant recorder and pipes in two local Scottish Country Dance Bands "Wild Rose" and "Hood, Wink and Swagger".